How Surveyspot Works
Another fairly straightforward survey site: you take surveys online to earn points (100 points=$1.) After you earn a specific amount of points you can cash for money and other prizes. Surveyspot and OpinionOutpost are very similar sites in the way the sites are set up. With both sites, there is just one button you push and they automatically send you a survey, you don't get a choice of how long the particular survey takes, or how much you can earn with that survey.
- Numerous surveys to take
- Ease of getting paid.
- Easier to get approved for surveys
- Time invested in surveys is inappropriate for earnings.
Surveyspot uses paypal. I like this option because getting paid is instantaneous, and it doesn't take a couple of weeks to get to your house like a check would. But, while paypal is nice and convenient, if you wanted to get other prizes, your out of luck. There is another option of getting a voucher, but I think paypal is the best option.
Time invested in surveys is inappropriate for earnings:
Even though this is the only downside I have listed, it is a big one. Surveyspot only pays you about 50 cents per survey. It doesn't matter if the survey is long or short, you are getting the same 50 cents. The only time this changes is for any survey that's really long, you will get slightly more.
Second favorite site:
This is a good survey site with many surveys to take, and I have never had a problem with them. I have always gotten paid right away, and and their customer support is very responsive. If your looking for a good online survey site, I absolutely recommend Surveyspot. However, because OpinionOutpost seems to pay you more per survey, I only do surveys on Surveyspot when I have run out of surveys on OpinionOutpost.
Getting started:
Signing up for Surveyspot is easy and free. In order to get started you can either click on this link, or at the one at the bottom of the page:
Once you click the link, it should bring you to a page that looks like this:
Registration is fast and easy. All you need is an e-mail address. Surveyspot will not send you any spam, and the nice thing is that they don't send you an e-mail for every survey they invite you too, so your inbox won't get cluttered. Although I would still recommend getting a spam e-mail address, it won't be necessary to use for this website.
After you register, you are going to want to fill out the profiles, which is just letting surveyspot learn a little bit more information about you. Filling out profiles is not required, and you don't get paid for doing it, but filling out the profiles will benefit you since you will get sent more surveys, and more surveys that you will be qualified for, instead of wasting your time filling out surveys you can't take.
And that's it! After this step you are now ready to start taking surveys with Surveyspot. Enjoy!
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