Saturday, February 4, 2012

Researching Online Surveys

Don't be afraid to search for your own online survey sites.  There are a ton of legitimate survey sites out there, you just have to find them.  The only reason I told you about these 3 survey sites is because I personally use them myself, and while they work for me, you may want different options.  

Now I know there are a lot of scams out there, but it is very easy to find which ones are scams, and which ones are good sites where you can make a decent amount of money.  Absolutely what I would do when you find an online survey site that you are not sure of, is go to google and type in "is (insert survey site here) a scam?"  When you do this, just go through all the answers that pop up, and you can get a general idea if a survey site is legitimate and if it is worth your time.

Something else that I would absolutely recommend doing is visiting a site called survey police.  Survey police is a site where people can rank online surveys sites on various things such as: registration, customer service, incentives, survey experience, and overall company rating just to name a few.  They also have a space that people leave comments where they talk about specific things about a site.  Using survey police is incredibly helpful to me whenever I'm researching a new online survey.  You can reach the link here:

If all else fails, please feel free to send me a message or write a comment requesting a particular survey, and I will be happy to research whatever online survey site you want me to!

Related links:

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