Instant Cash Sweepstakes is a marketing research company that pays you to take short polls online. This is very similar to taking online surveys, but takes a lot less time (a few seconds at most) and pays a lot less.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Amazon Mechanical Turk
Recently I have written a few articles about taking surveys online because (besides my job) online surveys is one of my main income sources. However a downside to online surveys, is that eventually you will run out of surveys to take. Yes, you will get more surveys soon enough, but in the meantime, how else are you going to make money? Through Amazon Mechanical Turk.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Researching Online Surveys
Don't be afraid to search for your own online survey sites. There are a ton of legitimate survey sites out there, you just have to find them. The only reason I told you about these 3 survey sites is because I personally use them myself, and while they work for me, you may want different options.
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